Academic Program

Our Story:

After a combined forty years of experience founding and administering high performing schools the founding team started with a question: Can we individualize and personalize the educational experience while maintaining affordability? In 2015 we tested our assumptions, piloted components of our program and iterated our school model through the 4.0 Schools Launch Program. Upon completing the Launch Program, we continued to refine our school model by running a pop-up version of our school with, STEM Lab Days, and over 100 homeschooled students have found success using our blended learning curriculum during the 2015-16 school year.  Additional information about our educational philosophy and our school model can be found on this page and by clicking the sub-pages of the Academic Program tab.

A Day in the Life of a Student

Class Times include 5 minutes for Transition Sample Student Day Type of Activity
7:15-8:00 Optional Academic Enrichment/Check-in Individual
8:00-8:15 Homeroom  Group
8:15-9:15 Language Arts Taught / Facilitated-Blended
9:15-10:15 Social Studies  Taught / Facilitated-Blended
10:15-10:30 Break with Fruit & Move to Improve Group
10:30-11:30 Arts/Music/Pull-Outs Group/Independent
11:30-12:00 Lunch / Recess Group
12:00-1:00 Foreign Language  / Coding Rotation Taught / Facilitated-Blended / Independent
1:00-2:00 Math  Taught / Facilitated-Blended
2:00 -2:15 Break with Snack & Move to Improve Group
2:15-2:45 Reading for Pleasure Independent
2:45-3:15 Independent Projects Small Group
3:15-4:00 Independent Projects / Pull-Outs Independent
4:00-4:15 Dismissal/Snack Group
4:15-6:00 Academic Enrichment Group
6:00-6:30 Supervised Care Group

There are no "filler courses" at 21st Century STEM Academy!

At 21st Century STEM Academy, students master a challenging core 21st Century curriculum that includes:

English Language Competency & Critical Thinking
Civics, Economics & Entrepreneurship
Science, Technology, Engineering, Art & Mathematics

and can select from a wide range of elective subjects including many that earn college credit or advanced skill credentials.

There are no "standardized students" at 21st Century STEM Academy!

Students progress through the program at their own pace and work levels are related to each student’s development rather than arbitrary grade levels. Some students will be behind or ahead of grade in all subjects upon enrolling in 21st Century STEM Academy while others will be ahead in some subjects and require remediation in others.

There is no "social promotion" at 21st Century STEM Academy!

All elements of the 21st Century STEM Academy program are competency based requiring mastery to advance and offering unlimited opportunities to review and relearn materials with and without teacher-support until all that key concepts have been mastered.

There are no "disengaged students" at 21st Century STEM Academy!

Because each student needs to be actively engaged in the formation of their own intellect and Deeper Learning that links theoretical knowledge to practical application is the most effective form of learning experience each course requires the student to design, undertake and present a multi-disciplinary project that seeks to solve a real-world problem.